How long does shredded coconut last in the fridge?

How Long Does Shredded Coconut Last

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How long does shredded coconut last in the fridge?
Are you searching for nuts that will be easy to chew anytime?

As a first-timer are you having difficulty in storing that which you purchased?

Maybe you desiccated some nuts and you are having too many leftovers,

Now, you are confused if you will throw them out or make them last longer.

You don’t need to worry anymore about the storage of these food ingredients, because this article is here for you.

In this article, I will discuss largely on storage, shelf life, and signs to tell if it goes south.

Ranging from how long does shredded coconut last in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter,

How to tell if shredded coconut is bad and how to store it to make them last longer,

And many more interesting facts about these food ingredients you wouldn’t want to miss.

Read, comment, and don’t skip a line.

Skipping a line will make you miss some storage information, that you need to know about this.

So, how long does shredded coconut last in the fridge?

Shredded coconut last in the fridge for at least 6 to 8 months, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the fridge.

I prefer storing my desiccated nuts in the fridge to any other place of storage.

This is because, when storing them in the fridge, you don’t have to worry about defrosting.

Homemade seems to be more fresh and organic. So, if you get hold of this nut, turn them to puree.

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How Long Does Shredded Coconut Last In The Freezer?


Shredded coconut last in the freezer for almost 1 to 2 years, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the freezer.

Did you find shopping for shredded coconut something stressful?

Or it was hard finding it in the grated form in the grocery shop, so you decided to purchase them in bulk when you found them eventually.

I will conclude that you hate shopping.

Did you purchase this puree form in bulk, thinking you will be able to finish it at a go but in the end, you couldn’t?

And this is causing you huge storage problems.

Are you doubting if these desiccated nuts will do well in the freezer?

What are you waiting for?

Try to keep them in the freezer and expect longer storage of this nut, without wasting it or throwing them out.

This puree form of coconut is a type, get as a result of grating whole coconuts.

This type of nut desiccate is versatile in combination with other foods and can go with juicy fruits, sauce, salad, and chocolates.

Have you tried eating shredded coconut with scoops of iced chocolate?

The taste isn’t something worth missing, because it’s just wonderful and tastes nice.

I guess you should give it a try.

To get better storage of these mashed nuts of yours, store it all the time in the freezer

And have no worries anymore about their storage or if they will do well or go bad quickly.

Storing shredded coconut in the freezer increases their shelf life, and keeping them fresh plus retaining their quality for future use.

Read more on;

How Long Does Shredded Coconut Last At Room Temperature(On The Counter)?

Shredded coconut lasts on the counter for 4 to 6 months, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.

Are you tired of eating preserved nuts puree from the grocery shop?

Or you are searching for a place that’s reachable to store these mashed nuts.

Do you know shredded coconut can be made at home without stress and can even last longer when stored on the counter?

Are you thinking of where to store these mashed nuts?

Search no further! Storing shredded coconut on the counter helps you to always remember to have or make use of it early before going bad.

Storing shredded coconut on the counter makes it visible for easy use.

This may sound magical or superstitious, but don’t store shredded coconut on the counter with the mindset of having longer storage there, because they will go bad quickly and easily.

When storing them on the counter, store them away from direct sunlight and high moisture.

How Long Does Shredded Coconut Last After Opening?

Once opened shredded coconut will last on the counter for 2 to 3 weeks, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.

After opening, shredded coconut will last in the fridge for 3 to 4 months, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the fridge.

Once opened shredded coconut will probably last longer in the freezer for about 6 to 8 months, before going bad. If you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the freezer.

Do you happen to find an open leftover pack of shredded coconut?

Are you worried or thinking of what to do with the leftover opened shredded coconut you couldn’t finish?

Do you have homemade nuts and do you want longer storage of them?

Does your opened puree seem not to last or do well in the fridge or on the counter?

Transfer them to the freezer for longer storage.

Do not store open desiccated nuts on the counter because they go bad quickly,  instead of the store in the fridge or freezer.

Things you may like to read in your leisure time; 

Does Expired Shredded Coconut Make You Sick?


I will say yes! eating expired shredded coconut can make you sick.

This is because the manufacturers have estimates of the years or months it will last,

So, eating expired shredded coconut won’t have any function in the body except to make one sick.

How To Tell If Shredded Coconut Is Bad?

Maybe you found some desiccated nuts sitting in the freezer for a very long time and you are thinking if they’re still good for eating or not?

Seeing the shelf life of shredded coconut above, has your grated nuts pass the expiration date,

Now you want to know if it’s bad to throw out or still good for use.

Here are some signs on how to tell if fresh shredded coconut is bad in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter;

Presence Of Mold And Discoloration

Pick up the shredded coconut and check its appearance.

If there is an appearance of mold or you found out any form of discoloration on it like in a yellowish color.

Such desiccated nuts are bad.

Toss them and get something fresher to enjoy!

If Shredded Coconut Feels Squishy And Brittle

Feel the texture of the shredded coconut.

When the shredded coconut feels squishy and brittle, such shredded coconut is bad.

At this point, all you can do is throw them out and get a fresh one.

Off Smell

Smell your desiccated nuts.

Smelling before eating has become a nice process of spotting out spoilt food from the good ones.

When these desiccated nuts smell off and have an offensive odor, such nuts puree is bad.

Toss them and make some organic ones for yourself.

The Taste Tells More

Taste this coconut puree.

In situations where the older signs couldn’t work in figuring out if the shreds are bad or still good,

Then tasting bud will work very well to know if it is good not.

When it tastes dried, has a bitter taste, and the taste becomes unusual, such shredded coconut is bad.

Throw them out and don’t risk eating them.

If Shredded Coconut Stay Too Long In The Freezer, Fridge, And On Counter 

When shredded coconut has been sitting for too long in the fridge, or freezer, it’s high time to trash them out.

This is because they probably would have gone bad, and eating bad food isn’t good for the health.

How To Store Shredded Coconut To Make Them Last Longer?

For longer storage of these amazing food ingredients,

Here are some tips on how to store shredded coconut to make them last longer in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter;

When purchasing coconut in whole(of it would be homemade shredded coconut) search for the ones that are fresh and won’t go bad easily.

For packaged nuts desiccate, always check for the expiration date to avoid it from going bad before use.

Store them in a dry, cool, and dark place with a standard temperature.

Do not store directly to sunlight or in a place of high moisture, because such will make it deteriorate and go bad easily.

You can also store them in an airtight container and must ensure that the lid of the container is very tight.

Store on the fridge or freezer for longer shelf life.

When storing shredded coconut on the counter, it’s advisable to keep them together with baking ingredients.

That will also increase their shelf life.

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Desiccated nuts are very delicious to have, making flakes from this fruit is applaudable.

In this phase, I talk more about the real benefits of eating these shreds along with the topic “how long does shredded coconut last in the fridge”.

According to Healthline the composition of different benefits in shredded coconuts are;

  • Zinc 10%
  • Selenium 15%
  • Potassium 6%
  • Copper 44%
  • Phosphorus 13%
  • Iron 11%

These are what you may obtain from consuming these nut shreds daily.

Here is the major content of this nut and is measured in grams.

  • 7 grams of fiber
  •  27 grams of fat
  • 283 grams of calories
  • 5 grams of sugar
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 10 grams of carbs

In addition, it may help to boost weight loss. It does this through the effectiveness of MCTs which help to burn fats, calories, and promote fullness.

May aid digestion and bowel movement. This food ingredient contains high fiber contents which help to regular digestion and make it easy for the stooling process to take place.

It may also boost heart health. This is done through the extraction of its oil that helps to boost good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol.

In traces, these shreds may benefit the brain, stabilizing blood sugar, and improve immunity.

Do not alter these shelf life estimates with your medical advice. If you eat bad fruits, veggies, juices, and foods see a doctor.

Practice food hygiene and food safety always.

Eat well and stay healthy.

Remember, we started with how long does shredded coconut lasts in the fridge.

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