How long do fresh mangoes last in the fridge? Mango is a tropical fruit with different colors varying from orange, red, green, or yellow.
Mango was formerly a native fruit grown in Southern Asia countries before being introduced to other parts of East Asia and other countries worldwide.
Maybe that’s why they call it “King of fruits.”
When shopping, you wouldn’t want to pass by fresh mangoes, but you have a problem with their storage,
And you keep wondering where can be the best place to keep these fresh mangoes.
If that’s the issue, then this article is for you!
This is just the best place you can be because, in this article, we cover up all you need to know about fresh and dried mangoes, plus how to increase their shelf life.
Ranging from how long do fresh mangoes last in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter, how to tell if fresh or Dried mango is terrible, how to store raw and dried mangoes to last longer.
And many more exciting plus interesting ideas on mango you wouldn’t want to miss.
Sit back, read, comment on the box, and do not skip a line.
So, how long do fresh mangoes last in the fridge?
Fresh mangoes last in the fridge for 1 to 2 weeks before going wrong if you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the refrigerator.
Mango is that one fruit that most homes wouldn’t want to lose getting a handful of,
This is because it is versatile in dish preparations and making fruit juice, plus smoothies.
Are you obsessed with mangoes that you add it to your scale of preference in shopping list all the time?
Till this fresh drupe starts heading south(I will discuss this on how to tell if mango is terrible)then, the fridge will help to preserve their quality.
Here are some posts you may like to read later on fruits, food, vegetables, and juices shelf life estimates;
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One good reason for storing them fresh in the fridge is because it helps in easy accessibility.
And you don’t have to think or worry about dethawing before eating or creating juice out of it.
Keeping fresh drupes like this in the fridge doesn’t take much time than washing and getting the suitable containers to place it in.
Try it today, and let’s get some feedback on the comment section
How Long Do Fresh Mangoes Last In The Freezer?
Fresh mangoes will keep fresh, maintain quality and increase shelf life for 3 to 4 months in the freezer before going wrong if you store them properly in the right conditions necessary in the freezer.
We all know that mango is a seasonal fruit and can only be gotten when its season is due( that’s too bad, right?),
This makes it hard for mango lovers to enjoy it fresh whenever it is not in season,
But the good news is that even when not in season, you can still get that fruity and pleasant taste of fresh mangoes by buying them in bulk when they are in season.
And pack all of them into the freezer, and with the storage time of this fresh fruit in the freezer( lookup),
It will help you to have fresh mangoes around the house before the next season comes by.
Have you tried eating frozen mango?
What’s your take on frozen mango?
Are you a lover of frozen mango-like me? As a frozen mango lover(I don’t know about you),
I prefer and love storing my fresh mangoes in the freezer just to get that heavenly sweetness and taste you will never forget.
If you haven’t tried frozen mango, you are missing big time, and I am hoping after reading this,
You will try it out, and the comment section is just down below to see how it tastes on your part.
How Long Does Fresh Mango Last At Room Temperature(On The Counter)?
Fresh mango lasts on the counter when it’s unripe for 5 to 8 days before going wrong and when it is ripe for 2 to 4 days before going wrong if you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.
Mango is a fruit that dates far back to 3000BC, being an old fruit that still retains its freshness and sweetness.
To get the best taste out of fresh mango, keep them on the counter regularly.
Keeping this fantastic fruit on the counter helps you to make you of them on time instead, leaving it to go south.
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When storing this new Mangifera Indica ( ripe or unripe) on the counter,
Do not keep them where there is direct sunlight penetration or a place of high moisture content.
Keeping new Mangifera indica on the counter, it helps to retain their freshness.
The disadvantage is that new manga stored on the counter doesn’t last long.
If you think that storage on the counter for raw manga is too short, place all of them in the freezer.
How Long Does Thawed Mango Last?
Thawed mango lasts at room temperature for 6 to 12 hours before going wrong if you keep them properly in the right conditions necessary on the counter.
In case you are confused about what thawed fruit is.
Thawing is just a process of defrosting fruits, juice, food, meat, and so many others.
How Long Do Mangoes Last After Cut?
Mangoes after cutting last on the counter for 4 to 8 hours before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.
After cut, fresh mangoes last in the fridge for 3 to 7 days before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the refrigerator.
Mangoes after cutting last in the freezer for 4 to 8 weeks before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the freezer.
Do you happen to have sliced Mangifera Indica? Or does your sliced Mangifera Indica seem not to last long?
In a situation where you haven’t been storing your sliced mangoes very well, it causes it to go bad quickly.
Sliced mangoes have a short shelf life because the peel is exposed,
It is making them react with moisture and then head south quickly.
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The result on storage of cut mangoes above will help you decide where best to store your sliced mangoes.
And have more extended storage of them without having any worries.
How Long Do Dried Mangoes Last?
Dried mangoes last on the counter for 6 to 12 months before going wrong if you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.
In the fridge, dried mangoes last for 1 to 2 years before going wrong if you store them properly in the refrigerator’s right conditions.
Dried mangoes last in the freezer for 2 to 5 years before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the freezer.
If it’s a canned, dried mango, it is advisable to check for the expiration date on the bottle before storing it to avoid quick spoilage.
How Long Do Dried Mangoes Last After Opening?
After opening, dried mangoes last on the counter for 3 to 6 months before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, at room temperature.
In the fridge, after opening, dried mangoes last for 6 to 12 months before going wrong if you keep them properly in the refrigerator’s right conditions.
After opening, dried mangoes last in the freezer for 1 to 2 years before going bad. Suppose you store them properly in the right conditions necessary, in the freezer.
In a situation, you have dried Mangifera indica, and after making use of it, you still have leftovers,
Now you are wondering if you could save it without having to waste money by throwing it out?
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All you need do is, take a container that’s having a tight lid and pour all leftover mangoes into it,
Then place it in the fridge or freezer that will give it maximum storage.
How Long Does Mango Puree Last?
Fresh mango puree lasts for 3 to 5 days in the fridge before going wrong if you keep them properly in the right conditions necessary in the refrigerator.
At room temperature, mango puree lasts for 5 to 10 hours before going bad if you store them properly in the right conditions necessary on the counter.
In the freezer, mango puree lasts for 2 to 3 weeks, wholly frozen if you keep them properly in the right conditions necessary in the freezer.
One thing I love about this puree is the smoothie form. It’s just like avocado guacamole.
It is more of a paste and sweet to eat and feel in the buccal cavity.
How To Tell If Fresh Or Dried Mangoes Are Bad?
Indeed fresh or dried mangoes will spoil if not properly attended to.
There are so many ways and factors to tell if that fresh or dried mango is still good for eating or bad to throw out,
That’s why we have out-listed some but a few to know if that fresh or dried mango is still valid.
Here are some signs to tell if fresh or dried mangoes are deficient in the fridge, freezer, and at room temperature;
Presence Of Mold And Discoloration
Firstly, you need to check the appearance to know if some microorganisms have infested it or the color looks dull.
This happens every time in fresh fruits.
When they have any form of discoloration or mold on it, such as fresh or dried, Mangifera, Indica is bad.
Toss them immediately and get some fresh ones from the grocery store.
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Bulging Containers
Check for any leaking, bulging, or rusted containers.
Sometimes the dried mangoes could lose it’s taste if the container has a passage of air inside or can head south when the container rusts away.
If you notice that the container is not in good shape, replace them immediately.
If they have started deteriorating before you get hold of them, toss them immediately.
Texture Of Fresh Or Dried Mangoes
Hold, touch, and feel the texture of the fresh or dried mango.
This plays a significant role in detecting if they are still good to eat.
Fresh ones tend to be loosely wet and drip off their juice which attracts insects, house flies, and other microorganisms.
While the dried becomes turgid and feels like bread when you hold it, this tells you that it has taken in enough air and moisture from the surrounding.
When the fresh mango is super soft, squishy or the dried mango is mushy, such fruit is bad.
Discard them immediately.
Off Smell
Smell the fresh and dried fruits.
When they are having an unpleasant smell or oozing out liquid, such a mango is terrible.
Toss them immediately.
Taste Goes Off
Since we all know that this drupe can be eaten raw, so tasting it before eating isn’t a bad idea.
When you taste it, and it seems to have a bad taste or is very unusual.
Toss them immediately.
If They Stay Too Long In The Freezer, Fridge, And On Counter
You should throw out any fresh or dried Mangifera Indica that stays too long in the fridge, freezer, and on at room temperature.
How To Store Mangoes To Make Them Last Longer?
Though the shelf life of mango is short, they can be stored to the last longer for use.
Here are some tips on how to store your fresh mangoes in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter to make them last longer;
When purchasing fresh mango from the grocery shop, select only those that are firm and fresh.
Having yellow to red color if it’s dried, check the expiration date before buying.
Store fresh mango in the fruit bowl to avoid heading south quickly.
Once opened, you should store dried mangoes in an airtight container.
To get more extended storage of this fantastic fruit, dehydrate them and enclose them in a container with a tight lid.
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It will not be nice if, after all these shelf-life remedies and I don’t say anything about the health benefits in line with the topic “how long do fresh mangoes last in the fridge.”
In this phase, I talk more about the health benefits of this nice-looking fruit used in cuisines in India and different parts of the world.
According to WebMD, this famous fruit contains the following amount of nutrients per average size.
- 5 grams of fiber
- 1 gram of fat
- 50 grams of carbohydrates
- 45 grams of sugar
- 3 grams of protein
- 202 grams of calories
It is also rich in potassium, folate, choline, vitamin A, C, K, magnesium, and beta-carotene.
Due to its richness in beta-carotene, it is responsible for the yellow to orange color in fresh fruits. It is a good antioxidant, which may help to fight cancer cells.
Their richness in mangiferin, potassium, and magnesium may help lower blood pressure, inflammation of the heart, and regular pulse.
Another promising news is that this fantastic fruit is good for pregnant women because of its abundant folate nutrients for DNA duplication and healthy cell division.
Our shelf life estimates come from personal experience, experiments, journals, and researches from other high-profile websites.
Do not alter these shelf life estimates with your medical advice. If you eat rotten fruits, see a doctor.
Practice food hygiene and food safety always. Health is wealth.
Remember, how long do fresh mangoes last in the fridge.