how long do blueberries last in the fridge

How Long Do Blueberries Last In The Fridge

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Did you make blueberry muffins or cakes and after the marathon cooking you discovered that there are too many leftovers to throw out? You can actually store this incredible berry to be useful someday instead of tossing it. The thing you only have to consider is how to store blueberries to last longer but leave the shelf life for me. So, how long do organic blueberries last in the fridge?

Organic blueberries last for 5 to 10 days in the refrigerator before going bad, if you store organic blueberries properly in the right conditions necessary in the fridge.

To get easier and simplest blueberries whenever you need them, keep them all in the fridge for quick and easy access.

It saves stress and makes getting your blueberries easier.

Keep in mind that I’ll tell you how to store your organic blueberries and how to make them last longer as you read on!

how long does Blueberries last in water

How Long Do Organic Blueberries Last In The Freezer?

Organic blueberries last for 6 to 8 months in the freezer before they can go bad if you store them properly in their right conditions in the freezer.

Thinking about where to save and store your blueberries for a longer period because of a busy schedule, due to one factor or the other,

The freezer is the best place and way to store your blueberries since it gives the blueberries a longer shelf life,

The surprising fact about this is that when the blueberries are carried out from the freezer,

Organic blueberries will retain their freshness like that of the fresh one you just bought from the farmer’s market.

Ever tried icy and crunchy blueberries? If not, I guess you should try it,

It’s pure and juicy!




How Long Do Organic Blueberries Last On The Counter?

Organic blueberries last for 2 to 3 days on the counter before they can go bad if you store them properly in their right conditions at room temperature.

It is not advisable to store your excess or leftover blueberries on the counter, instead, keep them in the freezer for longer storage.

Keeping or storing your blueberries on the counter makes your blueberries deteriorate easily in texture and all forms,

When these amazing berries go bad, do not eat them again to avoid food-borne illness,

If you don’t want them to waste, make sure you keep them fresh or give them over to people who want to have some.


How Long Do Organic Blueberries Last In Water?

Organic blueberries last in water for just 1 to 2 hours before going bad completely.

Maybe you are surprised that blueberries don’t last in the water,

This will be discussed more on storing blueberries as you read on!

Storing your blueberries in water isn’t healthy,

It is advisable that since moisture promotes bacteria,

So, to keep bacteria away do not store your blueberries in water if you want this awesome fruit to last long.

how to tell if blueberries go bad

Also, I would like you to read some posts on fruits, food, vegetables, and juices’ shelf life

  1. How long do cherries last in the fridge? This wonderful fruit has a good shelf both in the fridge and in the freezer, know how to store it and how to tell if cherries go bad
  2. How long do cranberries last in the fridge? Cranberries last very well though you can’t compare the shelf with that of cherries, know how to store and how to tell if cranberries go bad.
  3. How long can you keep grapes in the fridge? Or maybe you want to know how long grapes last in the fridge, know how to store grapes, and how to tell if grapes go bad.
  4. How long do pears last in the fridge? Pears are rich in many minerals and they have a good shelf life. Know how to store and how to tell if pears go bad.
  5. How long does shredded cabbage last in the fridge? Either cut or shred, they last the same time in the fridge, freezer, and on the counter. Know how to store and how to tell if cabbage goes bad.


How To Tell If Blueberries Are Bad?

Apart from the fact that storing them in water makes blueberries go bad easily,

there are also some ways to know if your blueberries are good for consumption or should be thrown away immediately.

Here are some signs to tell if your organic blueberries are going bad 


Check your blueberries for any form of discoloration( like having any color apart from dark bluish purple ),

if such discoloration is found,

toss them and get a fresh one either from the grocery store or from the farmer’s market.




Presence Of Mold In Organic Blueberries

Check for mold ( white color substance) on your blueberries,

Sometimes, the mold color on blueberries changes because the color of the mold depends on the type of mold infesting that fruit.

If you find any white rind, or you suspect that an organism has infected your food, throw them out.

When Organic Blueberries Become Shriveled And Mushy

Examine the texture of your blueberries and if they are shriveled,

mushy, wrinkled, or soft texture, they should be discarded immediately.

They are no longer ideal for eating, keeping them in your storage will only make them rot further.

Off Smell

Smell your blueberries for any odor that isn’t pleasant,

When it does not smell like your fresh blueberry, it should be discarded immediately.

When They Sit For Too Long In The Fridge, Freezer And Counter

If your blueberry has been sitting too long in your freezer, fridge, on the counter, or in water, it’s high time to throw them out.

Eating bad blueberry is not healthy for the health it can cause sitting in the restroom all day long,

I know you do not like such idea of sitting in the restroom for so long,

and eating bad berries will invite the doctors to your home.

So to prevent all this from happening, always check your blueberries before eating them,

and make sure you trash blueberries that are bad and get a fresh one.

how to store blueberries to make them last longer

How To Store Organic Blueberries To Last Longer?

Storing your blueberries is one way of saving for the needy time.

All fruits and food go bad, but when stored properly,

it lasts longer and makes you not worry about going shopping anymore.

Here are some tips on how to store your organic blueberries at home to make them last longer

When purchasing your blueberries from the grocery shop,

  1. Always choose blueberries that are plumpy, smooth, dark bluish-purple without leaves or stems. Choosing such blueberries makes them last longer and increases their shelf life.
  2. Also, avoid choosing red blueberries, such blueberries are probably not ripe and will not ripen once picked.
  3. When purchasing canned blueberries, choose the blueberry with a perfect container. Find a container that has vibrant color with plump blueberries on the inside.
  4. After purchasing your blueberries, do not wash all blueberries at once. Washing the blueberries reduces their shelf life and that’s the reason why you only wash the ones you can eat at a time,

When you wash all at once it is advisable to finish all immediately to avoid waste.

You can also store your blueberries by covering them with their natural coating ( the leaves) which allows this amazing fruit to remain fresh,

And can be washed to prepare ready-to-eat products.

The covering also prolongs the shelf life of your blueberries and slows down their natural deterioration.

Remember that I told you about discussing why blueberries should not be stored in the water?

If you want to store your blueberries in the water you have to place them in the fridge first.

As you already know washing your blueberries increases the presence of mold,

So leaving your blueberries in water is the same as washing which generates the procreation of mold and reduces the shelf life.

If you must surely store your blueberries in water,

Add your blueberries to a cup of water and place in the fridge,

Let it sit for like 30 minutes or overnight, and throw the water away.

You can also store your blueberries with one part of vinegar and three parts of water ( vinegar does well in preserving fruits ).


How To Store Organic Blueberries In The Fridge

Your blueberries should always be dry, you can also store them in the fridge or freezer when dried for longer storage,

by placing your dried blueberries on a plastic sheet and cover with plastic wrap or foil,

put them in the freezer to be frozen in a storage bag.

In the fridge look for the available space and don’t allow them to cloak together.



This amazing berry has some ideal nutritional benefits like,

Helping to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and anti-inflammation.

Do not alter your medical advice with our shelf life estimates,

All we have here are true with the aid of experiment and research from other websites like USDA.

Remember, I started with the question ”how long do blueberries last in the fridge”

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